Human Origins
480,00 480,00 480.0 ZAR
How did we end up here with over 7 billion of us straining the planet to its limits?

"Human Origins" provides a richly illustrated and comprehensive narrative of our deep past - tracing out the major events from the big bang to the present with an emphasis on the last million years.
The latest evidence from fossil bones, stone tools, artefacts and ancient DNA reveals how diet, past climate and landscape shaped many of the features that make us human.

Did our species originate in the southern coastal region of South Africa as groups, isolated and under pressure, incorporated seafood into their diet for the first time?
Do the first appearances of symbolic artefacts at the far northern and southern tips of Africa indicate that these areas served as the initial engine rooms of our cultural evolution?
How did control of fire initiate behaviours that farming and the Industrial Revolution would amplify to propel us, the human 'superorganism', to where we find ourselves today?

Ours is a deep, complex, incomplete and highly contentious history, but one that can enlighten us as to who we are and where we might be headed...
Africa's Top Geological Sites
500,00 500,00 500.0 ZAR
Africa boasts some of the most interesting and spectacular geological features on our planet, many of them unknown and rarely seen by travellers. This book uncovers 44 diverse landscapes and phenomena, which are fully described with the support of colour photographs and explanatory diagrams and maps. Authored by a range of geologists and specialists in the field, the book provides fascinating insight into the geological and geomorphological origins of, among others, the Great Escarpment of southern Africa and its vast inland plateau; the Great Rift Valley system, mountainous regions of the Sahara, great inland deltas, the Cape mountain fold belt, offshore islands, meteor craters, near-legendary minerals and the setting of hominid development on the continent. Palaeontological, archaeological, historical and ecological information is included.
Diere van die Orde
395,00 395,00 395.0 ZAR
Wat het 'n meerkat en 'n leeu in gemeen? Of 'n luidier en 'n gorilla?

In "Diere van die orde" word orde in die diereryk op eenvoudige wyse en met pragtige illustrasies verduidelik. Hierdie boek is propvol interessante dierefeite, soos die verskil tussen naaldekokers en waterjuffers, en paddas en skurwepaddas. Kyk en lees oor visse, ape, rotte, voëls, vlinders, slange, akkedisse, skilpaaie, paddas en spinnekoppe van regoor die wêreld.

"Diere van die orde" is die ideale inleiding tot taksonomie in die diereryk.
180,00 180,00 180.0 ZAR
Ninety per cent of the world's megafauna has disappeared since humans migrated from Africa and fanned out across the world. Mammoths, mastodons, woolly rhinoceros and the huge carnivores that preyed upon them were soon extinct. The slaughter progressed across Eurasia, the Americas and, finally, the islands. Africa became the planet's last megafaunal sanctuary, its creatures having watched humankind and their weaponry evolve, and learned to avoid them.

But can Africa's megafauna survive
Geological Wonders of Namibia
350,00 350,00 350.0 ZAR
This stunning depiction of Namibia's geology combines beautiful photography with succinct explanations of how the varied landscapes formed. Arranged chronologically (starting 13.8 billion years ago), the chapters each deal with a particular event or process that has resulted in the iconic features and landscapes. These include the early beginnings of the Earth, meteorites, canyons, limestone caves, vast desert landscapes, salt-pan moonscapes, bizarrely shaped rocks, and Namibia's astonishing underwater lakes and reservoirs.

A beguiling and informative portrayal of the key highlights of Namibia's landscapes and landforms.
Ericas of the Fynbos
320,00 320,00 320.0 ZAR
Ericas, a key component of fynbos vegetation, come in an astonishing array of sizes, shapes and colours. Almost 700 species, nearly all of them found nowhere else in the world, occur in the Cape Floristic Region - a centre of unparalleled diversity for the genus.
"Ericas of the Fynbos" introduces 180 of the region's most common, showy or interesting species. Arranged in five groups and several subgroups for easy identification, this handy guide details the diagnostic features, flowering times, habitats and distribution of each species, and exquisite photographs showcase the beauty and diversity of this charismatic plant group. An informative introduction explores the biology, pollination, origin and conservation status of fynbos ericas, and provides pointers to aid identification.
This innovative guide enables flower enthusiasts for the first time to confidently identify nearly one third of fynbos ericas in nature.
Field Guide to Mushrooms & other Fungi of South Africa
480,00 480,00 480.0 ZAR
Neither plant nor animal, mushrooms constitute a unique group of organisms. They appear in a staggering variety of shapes, sizes and colours, and identifying them can be difficult. This compact, beautifully illustrated guide is the perfect tool for identification in the field. It features 200 of the most distinctive and conspicuous mushrooms and other fungi found in South Africa. Each species is presented with a clear description and several full-colour photographs to aid quick and accurate identification. Notes on distribution, ecology, size, edibility, toxicity and other interesting facts complete the entries.
A brief introduction outlines the basic anatomy and biology of mushrooms and the vital role they play in sustaining all life. There are also guidelines to foraging and to photographing mushrooms, and a small selection of simple but delicious mushroom recipes.
Packed with more than 850 photographs, this is both a practical guide and a beautiful book that will inspire nature lovers, foragers, epicureans and anyone curious about these extraordinary life forms.
'n Volledige Gids tot die Slange van Suider-Afrika
520,00 520,00 520.0 ZAR
'n Onmisbare gids vir herpetoloë, slangversamelaars, voetslaners, tuiniers en reptielentoesiaste.

Die tweede uitgawe van hierdie gedetailleerde en omvattende gids tot die slange van Suider-Afrika is grondig hersien, bygewerk en uitgebrei. Nuwe inligting oor gedrag, uitkenning, voortplanting en slanggif is tot die spesiebeskrywing bygevoeg.

Glanspunte van hierdie boek:
• Dek die belangrikste aspekte van slangbiologie en -gedrag.
• Daar is volkleurfoto's en verspreidingskaarte by alle spesiebeskrywings.
• Eenvoudige ikone stel belangrike inligting in 'n oogopslag beskikbaar.
• 'n 'Kyk uit vir'-kassie help om slangspesies vinnig in die veld uit te ken.
• Die spesiebeskrywings word deur hoofstukke oor klassifikasie en identifikasie, die aanhou van slange en die behandeling van slangbyt aangevul.
Field Guide to the Spiders of South Africa
500,00 500,00 500.0 ZAR
Thoroughly revised and updated, this new edition of "Field Guide to the Spiders of South Africa" is the most comprehensive guide to South African spiders to date. If features over 780 of the more common spider species encountered in the field and in homes and gardens, as well as representative species from some of the rare spider families.

• An introductory chapter discusses spider morphology, life cycle, the functions of silk, as well as spider collection techniques.
• Succinct genus and species accounts cover identifying characteristics, behaviour, distribution and conservation status.
• A section on venom identifies species that pose a danger to humans, unpacks neurotoxic and cytotoxic venom, and details the symptoms and treatment of spider bites.
Quick ID Guide: Carnivores
95,00 95,00 95.0 ZAR
The ultimate compact, quick ID guide to the carnivores of Africa.

• Explains the habits of Africa's most commonly found carnivores as well as some elusive species.
• Combine concise text and photographs to describe key diagnostic features of 64 species in seven families.
• Covers behaviours and special adaptations for hunting and feeding live prey.
• An easy read for anyone interested in the intriguing habits of some of Africa's formidable predators, both large and small.
Quick ID Guide: Flying Mammals
90,00 90,00 90.0 ZAR
The ultimate, quick ID guide to the fruit- and insect-eating bats of Africa.

• Covers the habits and behaviour of the more commonly encountered species of Africa's bat families.
• Numerous photographs show physical features and behaviour.
• Labelled illustrations of facial structures, tail forms and wing shapes aid identification.
• Demystifies animals that are all too often misunderstood.
• Recommended for rangers, field and safari guides, and anyone with an interest in wildlife.
Taschenführer: Säugetiere Südliches Afrika
160,00 160,00 160.0 ZAR
Das südliche Afrika bietet einer Vielfalt von Säugetierarten ein Zuhause. Dieses kompakte, einfach zu verwendende Buch ist ein perfekter Führer zur Bestimmung der Säugetiere dieser Region. Es beschreibt 120 Arten in erstaunlichem Detail; von den kleinsten (Fledermäuse und Spitzmäuse) bis zu den größten, wie Elefant, Löwe und Nashorn, und schließt auch die Meeressäugetiere (Robben, Delfine und Wale) ein.

• Präzise Beschreibungen und ausführliche Angaben zu jeder Art
• Fardfotografien und Verbreitungskarten
• Umrisszeichungen zum Größenvergkeich
• Abbildungen von Fußabdrücken und Kot
Quick ID Guide: Primates
90,00 90,00 90.0 ZAR
The ultimate compact, quick ID guide to Africa's primates.

• Covers the great apes, prosimians (including bushbabies) and true monkeys.
• Provides facts, photographs and up-to-date distribution maps for commonly seen and charismatic species.
• Highlights size, lifespan and key ID features, and leader lines point to diagnostic details.
• Summarises behaviour, diet, conservation status and similar species.
• Recommended for all nature lovers.
Quick ID Guide: Avian Architects
90,00 90,00 90.0 ZAR
The ultimate compact, quick
Quick ID Guide: Skullduggery
95,00 95,00 95.0 ZAR
The ultimate compact, quick ID guide to the skulls and identification of southern and East African mammals.

• Features the skulls of more than 120 small and large mammals, with diagnostic features noted.
• Photographs illustrate similarities and variations in skull shapes, upper and lower jaws and teeth for easy comparison.
• Skull length measurements and dental formulas aid identification.
• Recommended for rangers, field and safari guides, anyone with an interest in wildlife, and even those who simply enjoy walking in the wild and are curious about the mammal skulls they come across.
Eerste Veldgids tot Soogdiere van Suider-Afrika
110,00 110,00 110.0 ZAR
"Sasol Eerste Veldgids tot Soogdiere van Suider-Afrika" bied aan die jong leser 'n fassinerende blik op die dierelewe van die streek.
Met behulp van volkleurfoto's en verspredingskaarte, asook maklik leesbare teks, sal die beginner en ontluikende natuurliefhebber die meer algemene soogdierspesies in Suider-Afrika kan identifiseer, kan vasstel waar hulle leef, en meer te wete kom oor hul unieke vreet- en teelgewoontes.
111 Roadside Plants
240,00 240,00 240.0 ZAR
Kreatiewe Kombinasies in Eietydse Tuine
210,00 210,00 210.0 ZAR
Tuinmaak is niks minder kreatief as om waterverfskilderye van blomme te maak nie. En 'n groot deel van dié kreatiwiteit lê in die byeenbring van verskillende elemente. In hierdie boek wys twee kenners jou hoe om dit reg te kry, met honderde voorbeelde uit tuine van regoor die land. Dit wys jou dat 'n tuin basies 'n kombinasie is van kleur, vorm, tekstuur en groeiwyses - in wese 'n kombinasie van kombinasies.

Leer hoe om plante te kombineer wat mekaar aanvul en hul eie harmonie skep en hoe om plante en elemente te kombineer vir enersheid, of vir andersheid. Deur uitgesoekte plante en elemente saam te gebruik, skep jy 'n prentjie wat mooier, treffender en meer skouspelagtig is as wat elk van die gekombineerde elemente individueel sou kon doen. Die skeppende omvang van kombinasiemoontlikhede kan nie gekwantifiseer word nie - as jy jou 'n kombinasie kan voorstel, kan jy dit skep. Daar is meer as 230 foto's om jou te bekoor en inspireer en al die nodige inligting om slim en vindingryk met kombinasies te werk.

Vergroot jou tuin se trefkrag deur die beste moontlike gebruik van die kombinasies daarin.
Grasses & Grazers of Botswana
290,00 290,00 290.0 ZAR
Understand and identify the grasses of the savanna and the animals that graze them.

"Grasses and Grazers of Botswana and the surrounding savanna" is a field guide to some 100 grass species and to the grazers - livestock and wild game - that feed on them. The book describes the role of grasses in the food chain, their anatomy and growth, and discusses their value as indicators of the health of the veld. It also outlines the fascinating interrelationships between grasses and grazing animals, and the many ways in which these plants and animals have evolved together. The book concludes with a chapter that outlines sound grassland management practices.

This accessible, richly illustrated reference guide will be invaluable to a diversity of readers: nature lovers, farmers, students and tourists.