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Gids tot die Aalwyne van Suid-Afrika
470,00 470,00 470.0 ZAR
"Gids tot die Aalwyne van Suid-Afrika" is die eerste volledige en moderne aalwyngids in Afrikaans. Dit is 'n volkleur-handleiding en die hoë gehalte foto's maak dit vir die algemene belangstellende sowel as die wetenskaplike maklik om aalwyne in die natuur en in tuine te identifiseer. Die inhoud weerspieël die nuutste wetenskaplike bevindings en bevat:

• Volledige beskrywings van die 155 Suid-Afrikaanse spesies wat tans deur aalwynkenners erken word, met inligting oor kenmerke waarvolgens die plante geïdentifiseer kan word, blomtyd, habitat en geografiese verspreiding, bewaringstatus, oorsprong van die wetenskaplike name, en volksname, asook algemene riglyne vir die kweek van die plante, en inligting oor hul tradisionele gebruike.
• Meer as 400 kleurfoto's wat die habitat en groeivorm aantoon, sowel as nabyfoto's van die blomme en blare.
• Verspredingskaarte van al die spesies, as 'n verdere hulpmiddel vir identifisering.
• 'n Gebruikersvriendelike klassifikasiestelsel wat die aalwyne in 12 groepe verdeel, hoofsaaklik aan die hand van hul groeivorms.
• Inleidende hoofstukke wat die fokus plaas op aalwynagtige plante (wat met aalwyne verwar kan word); medisinale, kosmetiese en tonikumgebruike; bewaring; kweking en vermeerdering; tuinmaak en landskapontwerp met aalwyne; hibriede en kultivars; plae en siektes; en verwantskappe en genuskonsepte.
• 'n Geïllustreerde woordelys van plantkundige terme, indeks tot die wetenskaplike en volksname, asook 'n literatuurlys vir verdere leeswerk.

Dié merkwaardige boek hoort op elke boekrak.
West Coast, A Natural History by John S. Compton
290,00 290,00 290.0 ZAR
Whether you live here or just happen to be passing through, the many facets of the West Coast leave an imprint upon each of us, giving us a 'sense of place' - the sum of all that we take in from our surroundings. Through a series of illustrated essays that touch upon various aspects of its natural history, this book provides a guide for those intrigued by the wonders of the West Coast. From the beaches of the Cape Peninsula to southern Namibia, and inland as far as the Cederberg Mountains, the West Coast is a region of diverse landforms, plant and animal life, climate and history. On a stroll along the beach one can encounter folded bedrock 560 million years old, dune sand 5000 years old, shell middens 1500 years old, and seaweed stranded on the last high tide. This book explores how the many habitats and life forms have evolved through time, including the increasingly large impact that we are having on the West Coast.
Wildflowers of Namaqualand
580,00 580,00 580.0 ZAR
An invaluable practical guide for enthusiasts of southern Africa's wild-flower bounty.

Namaqualand is justifiably renowned for the floral wonderland it becomes in spring, when seas of orange, yellow and white flowers carpet the land. In this region one finds not only swathes of annuals, but also a wide variety of geophytes (bulbs), dwarf shrubs and succulents - an astonishing 3,800 species, of which 28 per cent are endemic.
This book introduces nearly 900 flower species, highlighting those most commonly found, most conspicuous, spectacular or interesting, as well as endemics. Large, full-colour photographs of each species make ID simple, and are accompanied by concise descriptions that include seed and fruit details, specific uses, local growing conditions and flowering times.
An introduction touches on the species selection for the book, the climatic and topographical subregions within Namaqualand, plant names and uses and conservation issues, and there's also an illustrated glossary and comprehensive index.
Field Guide to Wild Flowers of South Africa
550,00 550,00 550.0 ZAR
South Africa, together with Lesotho and Swaziland, has a diverse landscape, with habitats that range from montane to semidesert, and fynbos to subtropical forest. Equally varied, the region's flora encompasses some 17 000 shrubs and herbs, which bear flowers of intricate and often stunning beauty. "Field Guide to Wild Flowers of South Africa" describes more than 1 100 of these, highlighting the most conspicuous species and those most likely to be encountered across the country. With an emphasis on identifying plants progressively to family, genus and species level, a novel identification aid and easy-to-use keys guide users to the correct family and genus, while individual species descriptions, accompanied by a clear photograph, a distribution map and an indication of flowering season, help them to pinpoint the plant. By using this guide, wild-flower enthusiasts at all levels will now be able to identify accurately plants in any part of South Africa.
465,00 465,00 465.0 ZAR
Garden Succulents
465,00 465,00 465.0 ZAR
Succulents and rockery plants have become very popular for their ease of cultivation, spectacular diversity of shapes and sizes, striking colours, and waterwise characteristics. This scientifically accurate guide is aimed at assisting gardeners and horticulturalists to identify commonly used species from all over the world.

This revised and expanded "Garden Succulents" includes:
• Descriptions of more than 400 well-known succulent plants and their close relatives.
• Details about the main succulent plant groups that will allow any reader to quickly determine at a glance to which family a succulent belongs.
• More than 600 excellent full-colour photographs, showing the distinctive shapes, sizes, and colour of the plants.
• Introductory chapters on waterwise gardening, uses, conservation, cultivation and propagation of succulents, together with a section on gardening with succulents, which gives useful hints.
• The main section deals with all major succulent plant assemblages, how they can be identified and which main groups (genera and species) belong to each of them.
Mesembs of the World
460,00 460,00 460.0 ZAR
Magic is not too strong a term for the appeal of this unique group of plants, the Mesembs. Radiant in flower and highly diverse in form and stature, this fascinating group includes plants as small as wheat grains or as big as a rhinoceros. Their fruits are as complex as any in the floral kingdom or as simple as saltshakers. Mesembs have captured the imagination of botanists, horticulturalists and travellers for many centuries. Experience the magic of mesembs through this beautiful book, "Mesembs of the World".
Guide to Succulents of Southern Africa
260,00 260,00 260.0 ZAR
Featuring over 240 of the region's most interesting and commonly encountered succulents., "Guide to Succulents of Southern Africa" is an accessible, user-friendly guide to the identification of these increasingly popular plants.

• Colour photographs vividly portray all the species covered.
• Authoritative text describes key identification features.
• Distribution maps show the occurrence of each species in southern Africa.

This guide will have wide appeal both to naturalists and to the gardening public who are, increasingly, turning to indigenous, low-maintenance and waterwise plants.
Ekologiese Restourasies in Namakwaland
280,00 280,00 280.0 ZAR
Mynbouaktiwiteit is geneig om die grond te degradeer, en selfs verlate oulande en oorbeweide veld kan meer as 'n halwe eeu neem om te herstel. Hierdie boek integreer bykans drie dekades se navorsing en toetsing van benaderings tot veldrestourasie, maar fokus terselfdertyd op "wat om in die praktyk te doen". Boere, mynbouers, bioloë, konsultante, staatsdiensamptenare en die industrie kan, en behóórt, hierdie boek te gebruik om 'n verskil op hulle terreine te maak.

• Daar word begin met 'n omvattende inleiding tot Namakwaland, die uniekheid en geskiedenis asook die impakte op sy ekosisteme. Daarná volg 'n voortreflike beskrywing van die plantlewe, diversiteit en aanpassings tot die streek.
• Sterk klem word verder gelê op een van die belangrikste aspekte van restourasie: hoe om die grondoppervlak te bewaar, deur middel van unieke metodes te stabiliseer, en sodoende vir die vestiging van plantegroei geskik te maak.
• In vier latere hoostukke word die verskillende metodes bespreek wat gebruik kan word om sade en plante op gedegradeerde areas te hervestig. Dit sluit in saadversameling sowel as 'n verskeidenheid saaimetodes, onder andere die innoverende "restourasiepakke" (waarmee unieke benaderings ontwikkel is om mikrohabitatte te skep vir plantaanwas), direkte verplanting en kwekerymerodes en infrasktruktuur om volwasse plante in die veld te vestig.
• Die finale hoofstuk bied 'n innoverende en gebruikers-vriendelike 100-puntmetode om restourasiesukses te meet.

Belangrike konsepte word met vele kleurryke, impakvolle foto's en sketse geïllustreer. Alhoewel hierdie boek op die Namakwaland-streek van die Sukkelente Karoo gefokus is, geld die metodes binne sy bladsye ook vir eksosisteme en ekosisteemdreigemente in verder geleë streke van die Karoo en ander halfwoestyngebiede waar struike, kruide of vetplante algemeen voorkom.
Grasses of East Africa
300,00 300,00 300.0 ZAR
Grasses may be the most successful plant family on the planet.

Among the world's most familiar plants, grasses are one of the most diverse and ecologically important plant groups, and in East Africa are a vital part of the identity and character of the landscape, occurring from ocean shores through drylands, woodlands and savannas, to wetlands, forests and even mountain tops. They are also a fundamental resource for both humans and animals.

"Grasses of East Africa" describes 100 species of common, ecologically important or remarkable grasses found in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi. It is an important introduction to the ecology and natural history of the region's grasses and a valuable guide to identification. The detailed species descriptions are accompanied by beautiful illustrations and full-colour photographs.

"Grasses of East Africa" will prove invaluable to students, scientists, travellers and nature lovers.
Identifiseer die Bome van Suider-Afrika
350,00 350,00 350.0 ZAR
'n Regstreekse, voor die hand liggende en effektiewe gids tot boom-identifikasie.

Identifikasie van bome word algemeen as moeilik beskou, veral in 'n streek soos Suider-Afrika met 'n groot plantverskeidenheid waar sowat 2,100 boomspesies natuurlik voorkom, met nog 'n paar honderd meer wat uit ander dele van die wêreld afkomstig is.

"Identifiseer die Bome van Suider-Afrika" is bygewerk om taksonomiese veranderinge uit te lig en verskaf die agtergrondkennis wat nodig is om bome te identifiseer. Die boek bervorder 'n benadering wat lesers sal toerus om enige veldgids tot bome met meer vertroue te gebruik, hoewel dit die stelsel wat gebruik word in die skrywers se "Veldgids tot Bome van Suider-Afrika" weerspieël (wat dit 'n uitsonderlike deelgenoot maak).

Dit begin met basiese inligting oor plantvorm en onsluit dan stelselmatig die bou van bome om 'n duidelike begrip oor te dra van waarna 'n mens moet kyk om 'n boom te identifiseer. Deel Een beskryf en beeld dus die verskillende dele van 'n boom en hul rol by identifikasie duidelik uit. Deel Twee bevat 'n sleutel tot 43 boom-groepe gebaseer of maklik waarneembare stingel- en blaar-kenmerke. Die gebruik van 'n simbool om die hoofkenmerke van elke groep uit te beeld, maak dit vir die beginner makliker om 'n begrip van die verskeidenheid bome te vorm. Behandelings van die groepe bied verklarende notas oor groepkenmerke en wenke oor identifikasie van spesies. 'n Aantal boomspesies word beskryf en geïllustreer, en 'n lys word verskaf van al die plantfamilies in Suider-Afrika wat in elke groep verteenwoordig is (meer individuele spesies word behandel in die skrywers se veldgids).
Guide to Trees Introduced into Southern Africa
400,00 400,00 400.0 ZAR
An invaluable guide for landscapers, gardeners and all tree enthusiasts.

Southern Africa is home to more than 2,000 introduced trees. These non-native species are encountered daily and form a familiar part of our urban landscapes, growing successfully in parks, gardens, along road sides, and in other open spaces. This guide features nearly 600 of the most common and familiar of these trees, using the same model of identification as "Field Guide to Trees of Southern Africa" to facilitate ID based on leaf and stem attributes.

Each species entry features:
• Full-colour photographs of tree parts
• Concise text describing key identification features
• Map showing the plant's cold tolerance (suggesting where the species can grow)
• Notes on cultivation and practical uses of the tree

Species are logically arranged in 43 groups based on easy-to observe leaf and stem features. A quick guide to the groups is found on the inside front and back covers of the book.
Guide to Grasses of Southern Africa
450,00 450,00 450.0 ZAR
The grass family, known as Poaceae, is probably the most important plant family on earth. Grasses were the first food plants to be cultivated by man. Grain crops, such as maize, wheat, rice and sugarcane (all grasses), are still our most important source of energy. Grass, in the form of forage, is also the most important food source to farm animals and the large herds of grazing animals in the wild.

The identification of grasses becomes important during land management as the various grass species differ in their grazing value and other ecological functions. Furthermore, weedy grasses react differently to different herbicides and therefore need to be correctly identified.

This book, "Guide to Grasses of southern Africa", is the most comprehensive colour identification guide to the common grasses of southern Africa and includes, among others, the following features:
• Descriptions and illustrations of the 320 most important grasses in southern Africa
• An easy-to-use identification key
• More than 1 000 excellent photographs in full colour
• Thirteen short, fully illustrated introductory chapters with general information on grasses
• Common names of grasses in indigenous languages
• Icons that enable the reader to obtain certain information at a glance
Gids tot Grasse van Suider-Afrika
370,00 370,00 370.0 ZAR
Die grasfamilie, bekend as Poaceae, is waarskynlik die belangrikste plantfamilie op aarde. Grasse is die eerste voedselplante wat deur mense aangeplant is. Graangewasse, soos mielies, koring, rys en suikerriet (almal grasse), is steeds ons belangrikste bron van energie. Gras, in die vorm van voer, is ook die belangrikste bron van kos vir vee en die groot kuddes gravreters in die natuur.

Die akkurate idenrifikasie van grasse raak belangrik tydens veldbestuur aangesien grasse ten opsigte van hul weidingswaarde en ander ekologiese funksies verskil. Verder reageer verskillende onkruidgrasse anders op chemiese onkruiddoders en moet daarom akkuraat geïdentifiseer word.

Hierdie boek, "Gids tot Grasse van suider-Afrika", is die omvattendste volkleur identifikasiegids tot die algemene grasse in suider-Afrika en sluit onder meer die volgende kenmerke in:

• Beskrywings en illustrasies van die 320 belangrikste grasse in suider-Afrika
• 'n Gebruikersvriendelike identifikasiesleutel
• Meer as 1 000 uitstekende kleurfoto's
• Dertien kort en volledig geïllustreerde inleidende hoofstukke oor grasse
• Algemene grasname in verskeie inheemse tale
• Simbole wat die leser in staat stel om inligting met 'n oogopslag te bekom
Remarkable Trees od South Africa
365,00 365,00 365.0 ZAR
"Remarkable Trees of South Africa" offers a fascinating glimpse into the world of trees; from the biggest, the tallest and the oldest (South Africa's champion trees) to some very curious specimens found in South Africa. Written in an easy, anecdotal style, the authors relate, in text and photographs, the historical, cultural and economic significance of South Africa's trees, and include their selection of the Big Five Trees of South Africa. Also included are accounts of the major tree families, as well as an overview of trees as monuments and in botanical gardens, parks and arboreta.

Trees are one of South Africa's most valuable treasures - from the majestic yellowwoods, the strange 'halfmens', the thorn trees that are such a familiar part of the African landscape, to our unsurpassed man-made forests. Trees not only provide us with food, fodder, building material, shelter against the elements, they also bring beauty and joy to our parks and gardens. This book makes a strong case for protecting South Africa's trees and preserving her remaining indigenous forests for future generations, and emphasises the need for fastidious management of exotic tree forests.

Anyone with an interest in history and nature, South African flora in particular, will find this book a compelling read.
Mind-altering & Poisonous Plants of the World
510,00 510,00 510.0 ZAR
Since ancient times, poisonous plants and mushrooms have been used for hunting, murder and magic. Most cultures of the world have learnt to avoid these plants or to use them with discretion. Many of the plants are still widely used as traditional medicine for their therapeutic value in the treatment of diseases. Others are popular as recreational drugs or for ceremonial and spiritual purposes. Hazardous plants are commonly used as garden ornamentals, pot plants or florist flowers, and many people are no longer aware of the inherent dangers posed by toxic plants or medicines derived from them. Also included in this illustrated guide are plants causing irritation and inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes. A special focus is on psychoactive plants which can have stimulant, sedative, hypnotic, narcotic or hallucinogenic properties, such as coca, opium, cannabis and scopolamine.

This guide gives the reader a bird's eye view of all the famous and well-known poisonous and mind-altering plants of the world. The book is presented as a compact, colourful and scientifically accurate reference text. It covers more than 1200 of the most important plants that people are likely to be exposed to. More than 200 of the most important poisonous and mind-altering plants are treated in depth in short monographs, covering their diagnostic characters, region of origin and distribution, active ingredients, toxicity, symptoms of intoxication and possible modes of action. Each monograph provides information on first aid treatment. More than 550 superb colour photographs facilitate plant identification.

This guide is a must for gardeners, farmers, veterinarians, students, botanists, pharmacists, chemists, doctors and Poison Centres. The compact format and encyclopaedic style will be useful to rapidly access information on poisonous plants.
Poisonous Plants of South Africa
550,00 550,00 550.0 ZAR
A photographic guide to indigenous and alien plants that cause human and animal poisoning in South Africa, including their botany, identification, and toxic ingredients.

"Poisonous Plants of South Africa" is a comprehensive guide to the most commonly occurring poisonous plants in South Africa. This book includes:

• Detailed species descriptions of 135 poisonous plants. Each entry includes the following information: a description of the plant, the type of toxin, the potential toxicity of the plant and its importance in human or livestock poisoning, the poisonous ingredients and their pharmacological effects.
• Distribution maps for poisonous plants that occur naturally in the wild.
• More than 450 excellent full-colour photographs that will assist in the identification of poisonous plants and plant parts.
• Introductory chapters on human and animal poisoning in South Africa, first aid treatment, isolation of toxins, and poisonous principles and their effects.
• Plant lists according to class of toxin and type of livestock poisoning as well as a useful checklist of poisonous plants and a glossary of medical terms.
• Comprehensive references for further reading.

This is an essential reference guide for health professionals, veterinarians, farmers, gardeners or anyone with an interest or involvement in botany.
Common Names of Angolan Plants
550,00 550,00 550.0 ZAR
This new edition of "Common names of Angolan plants" presents a comprehensively updated catalogue of over 7000 common names recorded for the indigenous and exotic floristic riches of Angola. Separate alphabetical lists of common names and widely accepted scientific names are provided, and reference is made to the synonymous scientific names under which the common names were recorded. Where known, the languages in which the common names are used are given throughout.

This book provides biodiversity specialists, researchers in a broad spectrum of scientific and other endeavours, linguists, students, and other stakeholders, with basic information on the common names of Angolan plants that has been unavailable for a long time.
Field Guide to Renosterveld of the Overberg
500,00 500,00 500.0 ZAR
Renosterveld may be the most important vegetation type that you've never heard of.

Experts estimate that just 5 per cent of original Renosterveld survives in a landscape fragmented by agriculture and human settlements.

Often regarded as the ugly sister of Fynbos, Renosterveld is part of the Greater Cape Floristic Region's Fynbos biome. While this biome's more charismatic members - proteas, ericas and restios - survive in nutrient-poor environments, the shrublands of Renosterveld grow in relatively fertile soils. Extraordinarily diverse, this vegetation tupe is dominated by bulbs, flowering plants and palatable grasses.

"Field Guide to Renosterveld of the Overberg" describes almost 1,000 plants and 140 animals found in the region.

• Each species is supported by informative photographs.
• The extensive introduction includes a brief history and describes and explores this vegetation fully.
• A glossary of terms with illustrations unpacks difficult terminology.
• Guidelines for Renosterveld management are also included.

Detailing exciting new discoveries together with endemic and threatened species, this field guide promises to be an enduring record and a vital addition to any nature lover's bookshelf.
Practical Guide to Bonsai Styles of the World
395,00 395,00 395.0 ZAR
"Practical guide to Bonsai Styles of the world" is a comprehensive guide to more than forty bonsai styles, covering the traditional Japanese and Chinese styles as well as six unique African styles. Each style is illustrated and discussed in detail, with numerous line drawings and photographs showing the characteristics and variations of the style. The author provides meticulous guidelines for the design of each style and gives information on plants that are best suited to each individual style as well as the most appropriate containers.

An introductory section on the art of bonsai covers aspects of composition and design and provides guidelines for designing an artistic masterpiece. A useful classification on the different styles, comprising a brief description of the main features of each style as well as the Japanese equivalent, where applicable, gives the reader an overview of the various styles.

Now in its third edition, the book has been completely updated with additional text and full-colour photographs throughout, a user-friendly design and colour-coding, making it easy to use and navigate. "Practical guide to Bonsai Styles of the world" is an essential reference guide for both beginner and seasoned bonsai enthusiasts.