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The Thirstland Trek,1874-1881
780.00 780.00 780.0 ZAR
No other event in the history of southern Africa left such an indelible mark as the Thirstland Trek. For example, the popular travel writer Lawrence Green described it as "the most painful chapter in the whole history of the Afrikaner race". Shortly after the arrival at Humpata, the Earl of Mayo described the trekkers as follows: "Taking them all round, a finer set of men I have never seen; without doubt, during that terrible seven years' journey it was a case of the survival of the fittest."

"The Thirstland Trek, 1874-1881" gives a gripping account of the approximately 700 individuals (apart from an unknown number of black servants) who left the Transvaal from 1874 to 1877 and settled after a journey of seven years at Humpata on the highlands of Angola in 1881. During this epic trek, approximately 230 white trekkers died and almost the same number returned to the Transvaal. Although some 130 babies were born during the trek, only about 370 people eventually reached their promised land.
Africa's Big Five
500.00 500.00 500.0 ZAR
Of all Africa's wildlife, none has captured the imagination more than those species that have come over the years to be known as the Big Five. Whether the biggest, the most beautiful, the fiercest or most formidable, these animals are the ones that have the power to remind us of our insignificance in the face of the true kings of the savannas.

The Big Five have always been the most sought-after trophies for hunters, and now are the most desired quarry of the photographer or nature lover. These magnificent animals are also coming to represent the vulnerability of the natural world and the uniqueness of creatures that are close to being lost for ever by man's greed and carelessness. Today elephant, white and black rhino, lion, leopard and buffalo are mainly confined to game reserves and national parks, and few people have the privilege of encountering them at close quarters.

The romance of the safari and adrenalin-stirring excitement of the chase have given us some of our greatest stories of Africa. Hunters are passionate about what they do, and hunting has deep roots in the soul of man. An equal passion is felt by conservationists and animal lovers who abhor the senseless killing of even a single animal. The authors of this book have stood on both sides of the fence, and the experiences and insights they have gained through years of close observation and face-to-face confrontation are conveyed here in words and photographs that will thrill the imagination.
Southern Africa Journey into the Wild
350.00 350.00 350.0 ZAR
Here, in all its beauty and harshness, its mountains, grasslands and deserts, its astonishing variety of living forms, is southern Africa - revealed by one of the world's foremost nature photographers. Gerald Cubitt's pictures, each one a jewel, together a gallery of wonders. They go deeper than the merely visual: they touch the very soul of this most striking of regions.
Living Shores
520.00 520.00 520.0 ZAR
"Living Shores" revisits the award-winning 1981 classic that influenced and informed generations of beachcombers and scientists. It vividly details the exciting discoveries of the past decades and the latest understanding of marine ecosystems and their management. Covering human interactions from early mankind to the modern day, its authoritative, fresh text and superb photography and illustrations bring to life the amazing diversity of marine life, and outline practical steps required to protect our ocean heritage.
The Living Deserts of Southern Africa
550.00 550.00 550.0 ZAR
For generations, the deserts of southern Africa have intrigued scientists and travellers alike. Seemingly barren wastes, they in fact teem with life - from ants to elephants, stone plants to the curious welwitschia, dainty dik-diks to towering gemsbok, and cart-wheeling spiders to fog-basking beetles. How do they cope with scarce resources, unpredictable rainfall and extreme temperatures? How do they protect themselves against predators? And what is the impact of climate change on these life forms and their habitats?

Based on an earlier edition published in 1993, biologist Barry Lovegrove answers these questions and unravels many of the mysteries associated with life in the desert. He describes southern Africa's four arid biomes - Desert, Arid Savanna, Succulent Karoo and Nama-Karoo - and explains how and why such a great diversity of plants, insects, mammals, reptiles and birds successfully exist in these regions. The text is supported by the most recent research, spectacular photographs, and explanatory diagrams and maps.

"The Living Deserts of Southern Africa" is a compelling, in-depth read that is accessible to both the serious student and academic as well as the interested nature lover.
Pollinators, Predators & Parasites
650.00 650.00 650.0 ZAR
A detailed overview of insect life in the region.

Insects arguably play the most important roles in the functioning of the Earth's ecosystems - the natural world could not function without them. And southern Africa is home to a particularly rich insect diversity, which is intricately examined in this lavishly illustrated and authoritative book. Structured around 13 distinct biomes within the region, the book scrutinises the insects associated with each system - both endemics and those more widely distributed - and explores the essential roles that insects play in processes such as pollination, predation, parasitism, soil modification and nutrient recycling. It also highlights their value as an essential food source for multitudes of other organisms, from bacteria and fungi to cunningly adapted plants, insect-feeding arthropods, reptiles, birds and mammals.
The book explores intriguing, often remarkable aspects of insect life, described in an accessible text and illustrated in some 1,600 photographs. It concludes with a guide to each of the 25 insect orders found in southern Africa, accompanied by images that depict their diagnostic characters.
This intimate insight into the beauty and diversity of southern African insects and their importance as service providers underlines their great value, and, it is hoped, will promote conservation of these key players of the natural world.
Grass Aloes in the South African Veld
450.00 450.00 450.0 ZAR
650.00 650.00 650.0 ZAR
The Gardens and Landscapes of Patrick Watson

Featuring 23 gardens and landscapes, and richly supported by exquisite photographs and specially commissioned artworks, "Veld" is a beautiful tribute to an extraordinary talent whose clarity of vision has had a profound influence on his profession. Patrick Watson is arguably the most innovative and versatile landscape architect working in South Africa today. Lauded for his pioneering approach to the restoration of degraded land, and for his use of indigenous species, he has created hundreds of gardens in Africa, and many others beyond - ranging from extensive mega-landscapes to exquisite small home gardens and tranquil spaces for quiet contemplation.
Patrick seldom works from carefully drawn plans, instead taking his cue from nature itself. His gardens are creative, unconventional, inspiring and often bold, and he uses plants along with colours and landforms to design spaces that are both visually and emotionally captivating. "Veld" beautifully showcases the complexity of modern garden design, while also serving as a record of the knowledge, ingenuity and intuitive powers of as gifted artist.
The Amaryllidaceae of Southern Africa
950.00 950.00 950.0 ZAR
Regions of Floristic Endemism in Southern Africa
600.00 600.00 600.0 ZAR
A Review with Emphasis on Succulents

The extraordinary floristic diversity in southern Africa is not only one of the region's greatest natural assets, but also one of the botanical wonders of the world. Here, south of the Cunene-Zambezi Rivers, more than 10% of all vascular plants - over 30 000 species - are found on about 2.5% of the world's land surface area. Moreover, at least 60% of these species are strictly confined (endemic) to the region.
Contrary to what would be expected from a botanically rich region, more than half of the subcontinent is semi-desert or desert. One consequence of the general aridity of the region has been the development of succulence as a survival mechanism in many plants, including a significant proportion of endemics. Southern Africa is host to more than 46% of all succulent plants that occur worldwide; no other region boasts such a rich succulent flora.
It is remarkable that most of southern Africa's endemic plants are concentrated in only a few relatively small and well demarcated areas, known as Regions or Centres of Endemism. Although the existence of these Centres has been known to field botanists for a long time, most of them remain comparatively little known outside scientific circles. While the classification and mapping of southern Africa's vegetation types has been the subject of numerous publications, the classification and mapping of the region's plant species (or flora) has been neglected.
"Regions of Floristic Endemism in Southern Africa" brings together, for the first time in one work, all the relevant information on most of the principal Regions and local Centres of Plant Endemism in southern Africa. Fully referenced and indexed, comprehensive overviews of each Centre of Endemism include notes on the name, history, boundaries, topography, climate, geology, soils, flora, vegetation, evolution, floristic links, conservation status and opportunities for further investigations. An informative introduction explains some of the principles and practices of plant geography. Profusely illustrated with superb full-colour photographs and maps, this outstanding reference source is accessible to a wide range of users, and will be an invaluable resource for students and general readers alike.
Figs of Southern & South-Central Africa
450.00 450.00 450.0 ZAR
"Figs of Southern and South-Central Africa" by John and Sandra Burrows, the well-known husband & wife botanical team which also produced the definitive work on ferns of the region in their "Southern African Ferns and Fern-Allies" (1990), was eleven years in the making. This new authoritative work provides detailed information on the 48 native figs (Ficus) of South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Swaziland, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi. Also included are the commonly cultivated figs which were introduced into the region for economic and ornamental horticulture, and the other members of the Fig family (Moraceae) found in the region, including the cultivated mulberry (Morus), the breadfruit (Artocarpus), and the timber tree which produces iroko lumber (Milicia). A total of 88 species are covered.

John & Sandie have followed their dictum of not writing about a plant without first seeing it growing in habitat. To achieve this goal they have travelled, at their own expense, more than 70 000 km through all the countries of southern Africa, tracking down all but one of the species described in this work. This extensive field experience has provided the insight to help sort out some of the intractable nomenclatural problems with which tree-lovers are faced in this part of Africa. The engaging style in which they represent their observations and information, with an abundance of illustrations, is equally understandable to the layman and valuable to the professional botanist.

Three contributors have written chapters in their own specialist fields. Duncan Butchart provides detailed insight into the role the figs play in the lives of birds, animals and insects; Dr Simon van Noort illuminates the fascinating world of wasps and their involved relationship with figs, while Geoff Nichols covers the cultivation of figs.

Introductory chapters provide a general background to the family Moraceae and figs in the African sub-continent.

Each indigenous species has a distribution map, a detailed black & white illustration by Sandie Burrows, and photographs depicting habitat, bark, leaves and fruit. A key to the indigenous species of figs in southern Africa is provided.
Richtersveld - A Field Guide
200.00 200.00 200.0 ZAR
Richtersveld, the Enchanted Wilderness
500.00 500.00 500.0 ZAR
De Jagers in die Dorsland
450.00 450.00 450.0 ZAR
Die onbeskryfbare lyding van mens en dier tydens die Dorslandtrek het 'n onuitwisbare indruk in die Suid-Afrikaanse geskiedenis gelaat. Tussen 1874 en 1877 het drie trekke Transvaal met sowat 700 persone (benewens 'n onbekende aantal swart arbeiders) verlaat. Ná 'n swerftog van sewe jaar het sowat 370 persone hulle uiteindelik in 1881 op die hooglande van Angola gevestig. Sowat 100 babas is tydens die trek gebore, sowat 230 mense het tydens die trek gesterf en nog 230 het omgedraai en na Transvaal teruggetrek.
In die jare 1891 en 1893 het selfs nog meer trekkers Transvaal met drie verdere trekke verlaat. Ongeveer 770 persone het gedurende hierdie tyd na Angola en Duits-Suidwes-Afrika getrek om hulle heil daar te soek. Die geskiedenis van hierdie trekke is nie minder aangrypend as dié van die eerste drie trekke nie.
Sowat 45 De Jagers het in verskillende groepe aan hierdie epiese trek deelgeneem. Ná die sesde Dorslandtrek het hulle tussen Angola, Suidwes-Afrika, Suid-Afrika en selfs Kenia rondgeswerf en verdere avonture oor die hele Suider-Afrika beleef. Sommige De Jagers het in 1928 van Angola na Suidwes-Afrika getrek en hulle daar gevestig, terwyl ander eers in 1958 uit Angola gerepatrieer het. Vandag is die afstammelinge van dié De Jagers tot in Kanada, die Verenigde State van Amerika, Australië, Brittanje, Hong Kong en Suid-Korea versprei.
Uit die beperkte beskikbare bronne is die verskillende trekroetes van die sesde Dorslandtrek gerekonstrueer en vir die eerste keer word 'n kaart van die verskillende trekroetes van die sesde Dorslandtrek gepubliseer.
'n Geslagregister van bykans 1800 afstammelinge en aangetroude familielede van die De Jagers van die sesde Dorslandtrek en byna 500 foto's vorm 'n omvattende beeld van hierdie familiegeskiedenis.
Van Humpata tot Upingtonia
500.00 500.00 500.0 ZAR
Ná 'n swerftog van sewe jaar, gekenmerk deur onbeskryflike lyding, het die Dorslandtrekkers hulle uiteindelik by Humpata op die hoogland van Angola gevestig. Binne 'n jaar ná hul aankoms het die eerste geesdrif oor hulle nuwe tuiste verflou en het ontnugtering en teleurstelling ingetree. Dit was nie lank nie of die meerderheid van die rustelose trekkers het besluit om na Transvaal terug te keer met dieselfde trekpad waarop hulle soveel gely het en soveel familielede aan die dood moes afstaan.
Op pad terug kruis hul paaie weer met dié van die Kaapse bruin man William Worthington Jordan, een van die merkwaardigste persone wat gedurende hierdie jare in Suider-Afrika geleef het. Een deel van die trekkers besluit om hul lot by dié van Jordan te werp en hulle stig die republiek van Upingtonia, 'n kortstondige republiek in die noorde van Suidwes-Afrika.

"Van Humpata tot Upingtonia" is die verhaal van hierdie trekkers se onverskrokke durf in die mees afgeleë dele van Suider-Afrika. Selfs onder 'n nasie wat bekend is vir hulle vermoë om koppig en met taaie volharding voort te trek, is die omswerwinge van hierdie groep sonder weerga.
Hoekom nie?
410.00 410.00 410.0 ZAR
Prisoners of Jan Smuts
330.00 330.00 330.0 ZAR
Equally skilled in a variety of trades other than in the art of love, the Italian prisoners of war (POWs) who were incarcerated in South Africa during the Second World War are a source of great fascination to this day. Who were these men? And what made some of them attempt dramatic escapes, while others wanted to stay behind after the war?
The first Italian POWs arrived in the Union of South Africa in early 1941, most of them being held in Zonderwater Camp outside Cullinan or in word camps across the country. The governement of Jan Smuts saw them as a source of cheap labour that would contribute to harvesting schemes, road-building projects such as the old Du Toit's Kloof Pass between Paarl and Worcester and even to prickly-pear eradication schemes.
"Prisoners of Jan Smuts" recounts the stories of survival and shenanigans of the Italian POWs in the Union through the eyes of five prisoners who clung to the Fascist ideas they had grown up with and refused to work.
Many opted to remain in South Africa once the war had ended, forging quite a legacy. These included sculptor Edoardo Villa, who left an important mark in the local and international art world, and businessman Aurelio Gatti, who built an ice-cream empire whose gelato was to delight generations of South Africans.
Vat jou goed en trek Ferreira
340.00 340.00 340.0 ZAR
/ Terwyl die vlaktes duskant Upington droomverlore in die maanlig gelê het, het ek aan Matt White se woorde gedink: "I want to die with my boots on." Miskien was dit ook hoe die Ferreiras wou sterf? /

Die ink op die Vredesverdrag van Vereeniging was skaars droog, toe John Hendrik Ferreira en vyf makkers die Kaapkolonie vanuit Duits-Suidwes-Afrika binnegeval het om Suid-Afrika van Britse herskappy te bevry. Tien dae lank het "die Ferreiras" die Kalahari op horings geneem en die Kaapse polisie laat bontstaan. Mense weet van die bekookte Jameson inval wat die Anglo-Boereoorlog voorafgegaan het, maar van die Ferreira-inval weet hulle niks nie. Louis Bothma - onafhanklike navorser en skrywer van "Die Buffel Struikel", "Vang 'n Boer" en "Rebelspoor" - het hierdie vergete episode uit die rooi Kalaharisand gaan opdiep, en soos net hy kan, vir die leser in konteks geplaas. Nadat hy een laag geskiedenis na die ander tot op die been oopgevlek het, voer Bothma die verhaal tot 'n dramatiese einde.

/ Alles het toe mooi uitgewerk. Die Kalahari steek sy geheime onder die sand weg. Goed so dat die houtkruis ook nou onder die sand verdwyn het. Jean en Flip hoef nie meer daardie kruis te dra nie. Hulle is nou vry. /
Buffalo Battalion
380.00 380.00 380.0 ZAR
From the ashes of two Angolan wars - a terrorist and a civil war - a new South African Army unit was born; a unit that had to fight South Africa's terrorist war on Angola's side of the border - a stepchild, hidden away aside in the bush.